ABBD is a program that exceeds all expectations. I went into it knowing what I wanted to get out of it and received all of that information - and then some. Sorah does a great job of making sure difficult business concepts are easy to understand and digest for those without prior business knowledge. I also really loved just how close-knit of a community she fosters. I truly feel that I've made lifelong friends throughout this program. I feel more motivated than I've felt in the last three years, and I finally feel like I have all of the tools I needed to start all of the projects in my mind. A lot of the big dreams and crazy visions seem a lot more attainable and I am so thankful that I got to be a part of something as important as this. If you're questioning applying, JUST DO IT. This program could end up being that first stepping stone you need to get you started on your journey.
- Jada Warren-Evans
ABBD is a true bridge that connects ambitious dreams within your craft and the ability to manifest them. It is the perfect combination of actionable, authentic, mindful steps paired with an insightful intimate community, led by such an inspiring and empowering teacher. Sorah is so supportive and generous with the amount of knowledge she gives in this course in a way that is very hard to come by in this industry. And the best part is, she has formulated it in a way that is easy to digest and extremely versatile. Being able to explore this in a comfortable space with other people with similar aspirations made this such a unique experience. I love that this course allows its students to build a sustainable future in pursuit of their passions, but in a way that still welcomes being your true self.
- Lex Bolisay
Sorah brings invaluable insights into the sustainability of a creative profession. ABBD Course will make you confront who you are as an artist and the business behind your passion. Sorah then lays out actionable steps that you can take to reach those goals, while sharing her own personal experiences. I can't understate the caliber of the peers you will be surrounded by and the energy in each discussion. You, Sorah and everyone in the course brings value to the class and it elevates everyone in the room. I can't thank ABBD and Sorah enough for aligning my intentions with my creative goals and introducing me to so many inspirational individuals.
- Niko Tioseco
As a young emerging artist making my way into this industry, this course was perfect for me. Getting the dance business facts straight up was such an amazing opportunity. Sorah’s vulnerability with the class and her honest stories and lessons were super inspirational, and a part of the course that will stick with me through my entire career. I highly recommend this course to any and all dancers.
- Josh Lamb
This program really made me reflect more about who I am as an artist and, more importantly, as a human being. From Sorah's lectures to featured guest speakers, I got clarity and guidance on why I am pursuing a dance career. ABBD was also packed with so much useful, insightful information about the business aspect of dance that is rarely found anywhere else. I left the course feeling empowered, inspired, motivated, informed, supported. I highly recommend this amazing program to anyone who needs guidance in their career and is eager to learn about the business of their passion!
- Marco Tacandong
This ABBD course was life-changing! I now feel equipped to live a more artistic lifestyle and be creative with how I make money from my passions. Sorah's lecture content was so thorough, honest, and well planned that each lecture was filled with valuable, tangible information that I've been excited to put into practice. She guides the class to understand your "why" and how to achieve your dreams in such a welcoming environment with like-minded artists. The introspective questions, class discussions, storytelling, tips, and homework challenges have all really helped shape me as a person. If you have any questions or doubt about what you desire and how to get there, this course will absolutely provide the clarity you need!
- Cicely Kaikai
The power of this course is that it deep dives into your abilities, provides guidance with practical knowledge and solutions and empowers you to take action. It doesn’t matter what avenue you choose with dance, if you are seeking direction and wanting to make moves, this course is a must. And bonus, Sorah is a masterful educator!
- Goldie Wong
The artful balance of business and dance was an enriching and irreplaceable experience. I felt lost in my relationship with dance but Sorah helped bring more clarity in my journey by sharing her wisdom, selecting amazing guest speakers and creating a safe and nourishing online community classroom.
- AJ Velasco
ABBD was such a special experience. It is sincerely the missing piece in our dance journey that merges the bridge between the art and business sides of dance. I have never felt more confident and understanding of my intentions within this community; and have never felt such a strong relation with others in the same field as me. This course will change your way of thinking and provide another perspective in your dance and business journey.
- Michelle Kelly
This program is a must for anyone that wants to do “more” with the craft. We all have those things we want to do but the feeling of doubt, not knowing exactly what you have to offer, and having no idea where to start are all reasons why we don’t “go for it.” This program solves all of those issues and creates such a strong feeling of self empowerment!
- Chris Lumba
ABBD, Sorah and the community that came with it will have a longstanding positive effect on my life. Aside from the knowledge that was shared with us, this course also gave me the confidence and tools I needed to continue expanding my creative journey, hone my artistic abilities, challenge my leaderships skills and make a concrete plan to achieve longevity within the dance industry. I had been searching for something like ABBD for quite some time, and it far exceeded any of my hopes or expectations. This course is an investment in yourself that lasts far beyond the end date, and will have you view all aspects of your life from a new lens.
- Leah Totten
This course will change your life. It provides so many powerful tools on how to navigate pursuing a career in dance. Each lecture is jam packed with information that will leave you feeling mind blown & inspired to get to work creating right away. Sorah truly invests herself in each and every one of her students. She gives personal feedback throughout the course that helps the students gain an insight on areas of improvement. I’ve never had a teacher/director take the time to genuinely critique my work & give me direct feedback in a timely manner like Sorah does. All information in this course applies to many different avenues one might be interested in pursuing, instead of only focusing on one ideal version of success. Navigating the dance world while simultaneously trying to create a career can be very challenging, but Sorah breaks down different lessons, tools, and sources that can help you turn your dreams into reality. From her personal experience, you can gain an insight on handling social media, finding creative avenues for making money, and how to create longevity. It also helps you study yourself, your why, and what makes you unique. Everyone has to put in the work on their own time & follow their own journey, but being mentored by someone who created her own avenue in the dance world empowers you to know that you can do the same. Lastly, this course connects you with great humans that share the same passion for dance & creating which leaves you with a whole new community of genuine supporters. My life is forever changed because I feel more comfortable existing in this over saturated dance world because Sorah taught me how to do it authentically, with a purpose, and on my own terms.
- Taylor Romero
ABBD is a great program for those who need more clarity in their dance journey while providing the participants with the necessary business tools to navigate through their careers. And Sorah is an amazing and knowledgeable mentor who cares about each of the students and caters to their individual needs and goals.
- Kin Nguien
Sorah Yang's ABBD course is one of a kind -- its thoughtfully planned out curriculum, assignments, and community cultivation makes it one of the best dance programs I have ever taken. It is so unique and valuable, as it dives deep into practical, actionable topics that have significantly changed the way I think and approach my dance career.
- Justin He
This course is empowering, insightful, full of knowledge, and INSPIRING! Sorah has created a gold mine. She is a master preparer and organizer. Truly, my OCD was satisfied every single class because of how articulate and intentional each lecture was. I enjoyed the educational layout with a dance twist. She pushes you not only to create, but to do it with intention and purpose. I could share so much more, but you just have to apply and see how amazing it is for yourself!! I fully stand by Sorah, ABBD Course, and what it has to offer. I am honored to have partaken in the very first course!
- Haley Treviño
The ABBD course is perfect for dancers with a strong interest or background in business, but its content goes far beyond that. As a recent college graduate, this course could not have come a better time as I walked out of every class feeling more aligned with myself, my values, and my goals to create a brighter future, along with some practical tools that you can't find anywhere else. Sorah truly cares about all of her students and shares her knowledge in a candid yet intentional format, and always leads with love. Probably the most reassuring and therapeutic four weeks of my life.
- Victoria Castreje
The ABBD program is one of the best investments I have made towards my dance career. Not only did it provide me with invaluable information to guide me along my journey in dance and the business of dance, but it has connected me to so many amazing individuals. I’ve come out of this course with so much more clarity as to exactly what I want in dance and how I want to build my craft.
- Roy Cho
The Artful Balance of Business and Dance is everything and much more that our community needs. Sorah has taken years and years of experiences (both good and bad) and turned it into an impactful, inspirational, and motivating course that will definitely help any individual pursuing a career in dance. This course is a must for anyone wanting longevity and stability in their dance career. There are many avenues you can take and this course helps you clarify many unanswered questions that up and coming artists should know and understand. This program provides in-depth knowledge on freelance mentality, how to gain and earn respect as a choreographer/artist/entrepreneur, and how to build your own career through your own passions and skill sets.
- Sawan Sheth
I knew the ABBD course would be amazing but it completely exceeded all expectations. Sorah Yang brought such valuable knowledge to every single lecture. From guest speakers to self evaluation lectures I learned so much about this crazy career field and myself along the way. Highly recommend this course to anyone feeling lost in their journey. - Liv Battista
ABBD has been highly transformative for me by allowing me to dive deep into my uniqueness and understand how to maximise that to have greater clarity in what I offer creatively and professionally.
Despite my lack of experience and young age, it gave me the platform to have invaluable exchanges with like-minded individuals, build confidence and rightfully assess my worth through trusting in the potential Sorah saw in me to push myself to share as much as I could, and exercise my normally-inhibited natural leadership quality.
ABBD greatly clarified my mission and vision statements and gave me the inspiration and opportunity for underdeveloped business plans I have been sitting on for months to be pieced together and come into fruition.I feel nothing but immense gratitude for Sorah Yang's pure heart and her deep integration of herself-and nothing less than her whole, authentic self-into everything she creates.
Inspired is an understatement. I feel incredibly empowered to carve my own unique path for myself from here.
- Kim Chan
ABBD was the course I knew I wanted but I didn't know it was the course I needed in my dance journey. It's like a torchlight, helping me uncover new routes in my dance journey and making my existing paths clearer. I have not only rediscovered myself as a dancer, but also reignited my passion as an artist through connecting with talents from all over the world! Thank you Sorah, for giving us such a safe space to voice our imperfections and for always putting our best interest as a priority. <3 sign. the hell. up. I'd take your spot and do this course again if you're not doing it.
- Jacob Lau
This course helped refine the way I approached dance as a business but also as an art form. It provided us with tools to help navigate the industry and what exactly we want to do within it while also shining light on some topics that often aren't discussed in public. The course provided a great balance of business and creative strategy but also made us reflect as artists and most importantly as humans. And I believe this kind of reflection and conversation is what's needed in this time of social media when all that we see is only the tip of the iceberg compared to what goes on behind the Instagram videos and posts. I can confidently say that this course has positively shaped the way I approach dance as a whole and I can't wait to see what my classmates do next as well as how this course will help others in the future.
- Eric Delgado
ABBD offers the type of education that will majorly maximise the professionalism and artistic integrity of dancers in the industry. This course completely addresses the universal uncertainties and doubts every dancer deals with, and leaves you feeling empowered after every lecture. Every dancer needs to do this course!
- Sela Vai